Genus Nastus

Nastus Juss.


Major species and synonyms
-Nastus elatus Holttum.
-Nastus elegantissimus (Hassk.) Holttum. Synonyms: Bambusa elegantissima Hassk., Schizostachyum elegantissimum Kurz.

Vernacular names
-N. elatus: Papua New Guinea: mingal (Changlap), mengagi (Kerowagi).
-N. elegantissimus: Indonesia: awi eul-eul (Sundanese, West Java).

The genus Nastus is mainly found in the southern hemisphere from Madagascar and RĂ©union to the Solomon Islands, with great diversity in Madagascar and New Guinea. For map click: Map279.TIF. In South-East Asia, there are about 11 species, each of them having a very limited distribution and being found only in montane forest. N. elatus grows wild in the highlands of Papua New Guinea (altitude 1200-1900 m). For map click: Map298.TIF; N. elegantissimus is endemic in Pangalengan area in West Java, Indonesia (altitude about 1000 m). For map click: Map263.TIF.

-N. elatus: culms used for housebuilding and musical instruments; shoots edible, often eaten raw.
-N. elegantissimus: culms used to construct frames for drying tobacco leaves and for fences.

Slender, erect or scrambling bamboos (climbing in Madagascar). Culms up to 20 m long, diameter 1-5 cm; internodes usually hollow, 20-40 cm long. Branches many at each node, subequal. Inflorescence semelauctant, a panicle or raceme, borne on a leafy branch; spikelet 10-25 mm long, consisting of 3-5 glumes, one floret and a rachilla extension. In New Guinea about 8 species are found in mixed lower montane rainforest, disturbed montane forest, or mossy forest. N. elatus, a large erect native bamboo species in the highlands, about 20 m tall and 5 cm in diameter, is of considerable importance and has also been introduced in the lowlands of Queensland (Australia).