Cephalostachyum mindorensis

Cephalostachyum mindorensis Gamble


Distribution Mindoro and Luzon (Camarine Province). For map click: Map299.TIF.

Uses Culms are used for fences and household articles.

Observations Scrambling bamboo. Culm 6-8 m tall, diameter 2-5 cm, relatively thin-walled; internodes 20-25 cm long. Leaf blade 20-30 cm x 2.5-4 cm. Inflorescence terminating a leafy or leafless branch; pseudospikelets slender, 6-8 mm long, many in a cluster at each node. The inclusion of this species in the genus Cephalostachyum should be investigated, because the structure of its inflorescences and pseudospikelets is very different from that of species in the Indian subcontinent.